Primary CLIL

Develop your skills for teaching young students in English

This course is designed to support teachers that need to follow the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) framework in their lessons for primary-aged students.

Our experienced trainers at BSC take teachers through effective skills and techniques for supporting children that are learning in a non-native language.

The BSC Primary CLIL training is two weeks long. It's aimed at primary school teachers, teacher trainers and inspectors who have to or will deliver core curricula classes, such as science, history and geography, in English.

Course facts

Course duration

2 weeks

Entry requirements

Upper-Intermediate (B2)

Course dates

04 Jul, 18 Jul, 01 Aug

Available in


Total hours

42 hours

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Course objectives

The aim of the course is to:

  • Introduce a range of possibilities within the primary curriculum.
  • Develop language skills in the younger learner while developing their knowledge base.
  • We also show how published and authentic materials can be adapted for CLIL lessons.
Boy practising English on Intensive English course at BSC
Boy studying intensive English at BSC summer camp

Course methodology

During the course, participants are exposed to a range of activity types and resources. This can include the following:

Demonstrations of lessons using CLIL methodology
Adapting and exploiting materials in the context of Primary CLIL
A focus on Phonics and also the development of language teaching techniques transferable to the Primary CLIL context.

The course includes daily practical sessions on preparing Primary CLIL micro lessons and, in the second week, delivering these micro lessons to your trainer and peers in order to put learned methodology and new ideas to practical use straight away. 


All participants are encouraged to maintain contact with their colleagues from the course and to establish contacts with teachers from other countries and regions to share experiences and difficulties encountered. Also, participants should work on adapting and creating materials for use in the provision of Primary CLIL lessons.

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