with BSC

Ensure you have the skills you need to pass the exam

Improve your English and practice your exam techniques to pass the Test Of English for International Communication (TOEIC) exam.

Our TOEIC preparation course combines 20 lessons of General English with two hours of private exam preparation.

The one-to-one lessons means your teacher will plan the course with your particular needs in mind, providing you with plenty of practice papers and mock tests as well as training you in the strategies you need to achieve the best result.

TOEIC Preparation course facts

Start dates

Any Monday

Available in

Brighton, Edinburgh, LondonManchester & York

Course level

Intermediate (B1)


20 lessons of General English plus 2 private TOEIC lessons per week

20 lessons = 16.6 hours + 2hrs

To book your TOEIC course online. please select the General English category then ’20 lessons of General English plus 2 private lessons’ from the dropdown menu

Class size

Maximum 14 (group lessons)

Minimum age

16 years

Lesson duration

50 minutes (group lessons)
60 minutes (private lessons)

Price per week

From £345 (click here for price details)

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man in interview

Book online

You can check prices and book online or contact us for a personalised quote.

Student Outcomes

"The teachers made me feel welcome, very welcome because I think they are very good teachers. I could recommend them to everyone!"

Davide, BSC London student, Italy

Student Outcomes

"I think Oxford and BSC is a very comfortable and friendly place to study English because I feel very free to ask questions and feel comfortable to share my opinions with other students."

Yunzyne, BSC Oxford student, South Korea

Student Outcomes

"I like the teacher in my class. She explains everything very well and is always kind and helpful. As a result, I feel encouraged to ask questions if I don’t understand something.”

Jorris, BSC Brighton

Student outcomes

"I like living in York because the atmosphere and the environment is fantastic. You can travel to cities near here like Manchester or Edinburgh.”

Veronica, BSC York Student, Mexico

What is the difference between TOEFL and TOEIC?

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and the Test of English for International Communications (TOEIC) both aim to measure the English ability of non-native speakers.

Similar to IELTS or the Cambridge exam, TOEFL and TOEIC can help you prove your English competency to a university or employer. TOEFL is usually chosen for students that want to apply for higher education, and TOEIC is popular for testing English for a general work environment.

The TOEFL and TOEIC tests are offered in many countries. However, it is not currently possible to sit the TOEIC test in the UK. To find out more or to book the tests, please visit: