Wycliffe College
Summer Activity Camp

The YL Summer Activity Camp at Wycliffe College, Gloucestershire

Don't sit around bored at home - join us this summer for an action-packed Summer Activity Camp in the beautiful Cotswolds!

This is a fantastic Summer Camp for 7 to 17 year olds with plenty to do for all age groups including lots of fun social activities, excursions and the chance to make new friends from around the UK and around the world!

We offer both Day and Residential places to suit your requirements - so whether you are looking for a fantastic local Summer Camp for 3-5 days each week or a wonderful 7 day residential Summer Camp - this is the Summer Camp for you! Take part for 3-5 days, 7 days or more over the Summer...

With two morning and two afternoon activities each day and a range of evening activities for residential campers, there will be lots to do such as:

Football, Scavenger Hunts, 'Art Attack', Basketball, 'Capture The Flag', Yoga, Tennis, Escape & Evasion', Rounders, Team-building activities, Fashion Shows, Debating, 'Colour Clash, Mindfulness, Group Challenges, Zumba, Team-Building, Leaders vs Campers etc - all led by our experienced Activity Leaders team!

(Please click here to see an example YL Summer Activity Camp weekly programme at Wycliffe College.)

This YL Summer Activity Camp (by BSC) close to Oxford in the beautiful Cotswolds, is a wonderful opportunity for young people to let off steam, reduce screen time, have fun, see and learn new things and gain confidence too - don't miss it!

Residential & Day places are currently available.

Ready to book? Click here to book a fantastic summer!

(We also have a YL Summer Activity Camp happening at Ardingly College, Sussex too!)

Quick Facts

Location & Travelling To Wycliffe College: Wycliffe College in Gloucestershire UK (Bath Rd, Stonehouse, Gloucestershire GL10 2JQ, United Kingdom) is easily reached by road and train routes and is close to various airports, with Bristol Airport the closest airport to Wycliffe College (a special transfer service can be booked from the airport if required.)

Camp dates: The Camps will run weekly and you can book to attend over one or two weeks between 19th July to 2nd August

Arrival/Departure day: Residential campers will come to the Camp from Wednesday to Wednesday and Day campers will come to the Camp from Monday to Friday

Minimum Duration: 3 days is the minimum duration for Day campers (any 3 days in 5 days) and 1 week is the minimum duration for Residential campers

Age range: 7 - 17 years

Example Programme: Click here to see an example YL Summer Activity Camp weekly programme at Wycliffe College

Day Summer Camp Prices:

> Day Camp for 3 days during the week (you choose the days) just: £150

> Day Camp for 5 days just: £200

These prices include a hot lunch, all activities (and any equipment required), support and supervision from our on-site management team, Activity Leaders and Welfare Leaders.

Early drop off from 7:30 and late pick up until 18:30 is also available as an extra at £15 per day (includes breakfast.

Optional excursions will also be available at an extra cost.

Ready to book? Click here to book a fantastic summer!

Residential Summer Camp Prices:

> Residential Camp for 7 days just: £700

This price includes 3 meals a day, accommodation (twin or triple rooms), evening activity programme, support and supervision from our on-site management team, Activity Leaders and Welfare Leaders.

Optional excursions will also be available at an extra cost.

Ready to book? Click here to book a fantastic summer!

Don't miss this amazing Summer Activity Camp experience…

Secure your spot this Summer!

Choose Wycliffe College

Lots to do all day, every day!

Activities may include: Football, Scavenger Hunts, 'Art Attack', Basketball, 'Capture The Flag', Yoga, Tennis, Escape & Evasion', Rounders, Team-building activities, Fashion Shows, Debating, 'Colour Clash, Mindfulness, Group Challenges, Zumba, Team-Building, Leaders vs Campers etc!

+++ Optional excursion destinations may include Oxford, Bristol, Bath, Cardiff, Gloucester and Cheltenham, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, Salisbury +++

Having fun making new friends

Lots of fun social activities and excursions led by our friendly Activity Leaders team and the chance to make new friends from around the UK and around the world!

Exciting sports facilities

Wycliffe College has it all - a swimming pool, playing fields, sports centre, great classrooms, comfortable accommodation and more!

Have any questions?

Contact our team today with any questions about booking your Summer Activity Camp…

Summer Activity Camp at Wycliffe College

A girl holds a tennis racquet up, preparing to volley the ball served by her opponent

Wycliffe College

Wycliffe College has is not only in a fantastic country setting... it has lots of amazing facilities too... there's no better place for young people to have a great time together instead of getting bored at home!

Frisbee BSC Young Learners


The YL Summer Activity Camp at Wycliffe College features a busy timetable, with daily activities, coaching, projects and trips to help ensure campers have a great time.

A boy lying on a bed in Wycliffe College accommodation


Residential campers stay in single or twin bedrooms and share communal areas with other campers in the same house.


Secure your spot this Summer!

The Young Learners (YL) Summer Experience with BSC

A Summer Activity Camp at Wycliffe College is all about making new friends, doing lots of fun activities and having a great time making new friends from around the UK and around the world.

Our aim is to provide a safe environment where campers can enjoy learning during the summer. Summer Activity Camp schedules include activities, fun sports and optional trips to cities like Oxford, Bath, Cardiff and Bristol. We keep everyone busy from breakfast until bedtime!