Ampleforth College
Summer School

A premium summer school in Yorkshire for international students

Enjoy a traditional and exciting British experience at an English summer school at Ampleforth College.

Ampleforth College has an academic history dating back to 1802. The school is best known for its fantastic range of sports facilities and its safe, countryside setting. The leafy campus creates a peaceful environment for Young Learners to improve their English while enjoying a wide range of sports and activities.

Have any questions?

Contact our team today to find the right summer camp for your child

Choose Ampleforth College

Outstanding sports facilities

The large grounds at Ampleforth include tennis courts, rugby and cricket pitches, an indoor swimming pool, an AstroTurf court and an indoor sports hall.

High-quality English teaching

BSC teachers hold CELTA or equivalent qualifications, and we aim for small class sizes with students of a similar ability to ensure effective learning.

Dedicated welfare team

As part of our welfare system, we have trained staff available at all times to help keep your children safe and happy during their visit.

Summer schools for children at Ampleforth College

We offer a variety of English courses for Young Learners at Ampleforth College, that make the most of this beautiful location and its incredible sports facilities. Popular courses include:

General English
Intensive English
English Plus Adventure Sports
English Plus Golf
Boy practising golf on fairway
Two boys smiling, wearing life vests and wetsuits
Five students on Young Learner Course

Fact file

Learn more about BSC summer schools at Ampleforth College, including information about courses, accommodation and social activities.

Students playing sport at summer school in the UK


We keep our Young Learners busy and engaged from breakfast until bedtime.

YL summer camp accommodation at Ampleforth


Students stay in single, twin or quad rooms on campus. With spacious communal areas there's room for everyone to feel comfortable at Ampleforth College.


Secure your spot this Summer!

The BSC Experience

Spend the summer learning English in a historic learning environment, in the middle of classically beautiful British countryside.

Our summer programmes are about learning English, discovering British culture and having fun. Daily activities and multi-cultural classes encourage students to make friends from all around the world.

Our Young Learners programme at Ampleforth College can also include a variety of day trips helping students make amazing memories of their time in Yorkshire.